Thursday, April 1, 2010

Coker Library to be "book-free" by 2012

April 1st, 2010

Hartsville, SC: The Coker College Library, known as the Charles W. and Joan S. Coker Library-Information Technology Center, announced that it will become effectively "book-free" by early 2012. The announcement was made following the fanfare of the inauguration of the liberal arts college's 16th president, Dr. Robert L. Wyatt on March 26th.

So what will happen to the more than 70,000 volumes currently held at the library? According to library and school officials, there will be a large book sale, followed by a large bonfire for the remaining unsold books.

Special flamethrowers for the bonfire have been ordered already. "These [flamethrowers] are designed to ignite books and other printed material at the perfect temperature, 451 degrees Fahrenheit," says Electronic Resources and Instruction Librarian Todd Rix. "From the ashes of these books, a new method of learning will rise, like a Phoenix," continues Rix. "It will be very symbolic."

In the books' place, the school will distribute e-book readers and other mobile devices like the netbooks, iPads, and other tablet PCs
to their faculty and students beginning next Fall. These devices will be able to download or access thousands of books, journals, and other materials for as long as they either employed or attend Coker College.

The Coker librarians feel that it was time for a change. "We felt it was time to look to the future and hold true to our new president's mantra of 'redefining ready,'" says Alexa Bartel, Director of the Library. "It's a new way of delivering content to reach a broader audience," says Melinda Deyasi, Assistant Director of the Library. "The books are dusty and take up WAY too much room," adds Rix.

Not surprisingly, opinion on campus has been mixed:

"This is an outrage. What's wrong with real books and journals in a library? They are an essential part of learning! Disgraceful!" exclaims Dr. Joseph Rubinstein, professor of education, before shuffling away in disgust.

Business professors Dr. Darryl Holliday and Dr. Joseph Stevano issued a joint statement applauding the move: "We support this move. It shows how forward thinking our librarians really are."

"I think it's an interesting idea -- I spend all day looking at some sort of digital device. What difference does a few hours more a day make?" says first-year student Erin Record, of Anderson, SC.

An anonymous student asked "Can we roast marshmallows at the bonfire? That would be really cool."

Not all of the books will be destroyed or sold, however. Mr. Rix stated that he would probably keep the library's copy of H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds for posterity.


  1. Oh, no, what will I do all day?

  2. You will help me man the flamethowers! Then we'll play it by ear after that. ;)

  3. then they say april fools lol
