…which means we’ve got more positions to fill. We want the best and the brightest: self-motivated, hard workers with a love for books and helping others. Think that’s you? If you’re a full time Coker College student follow these steps and you can be an LITC WORK-STUDY!
- First, report to Coker’s Financial Aid Office to get a CLEARANCE FORM at which time the Financial Aid representative will determine if you have satisfied all the criteria to receive a Work-Study award and sign the form.
- Then proceed to the Business Office, where a Business Office representative must sign the CLERANCE FORM.March to the Payroll Office - Students must complete the appropriate payroll paperwork (I-9, W-4 and a Payroll Deduction Authorization Form) prior to their first day of work. When these requirements have been satisfied, the payroll representative will sign the clearance form.
- Finally, report to the Work-Study Coordinator (Mary Buchner in the Athletics Building) with the CLEARANCE FORM!
When you meet with the Work-Study Coordinator you can discuss job availability and a job description will be issued to you. It will then be your responsibility to contact the LITC’s Work-Study supervisor, Donald Quist, pick-up an application and schedule an interview.
If all goes well on your interview, and your references check-out, the Work-Study supervisor will return the signed job description to the Work-Study Coordinator. Once you’re approved for the position the Coordinator will begin sending time sheet to the supervisor.
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