NetLibrary - our prominent e-book vendor - sold its e-book collection to EBSCO, one of the largest database vendors in the world.
The transition period is finally complete, so you will now notice that the e-book search page...looks like a database search page. That's supposed to happen, and if you've ever had an instruction class here at Coker, you know we've never liked the advanced search interface for NetLibrary.
The EBSCOhost search interface should be at least familiar to most of our students, and it should be easier for all of our patrons to find the e-books they need.
Check it out here: EBSCO ebooks
If you have any questions, feel free to let us know.
I think this is good. Yes?
ReplyDeleteI think it's a good thing: easier, more familiar interface, searches can be combined with multiple EBSCO products, and so on.
ReplyDeleteWe may even be allowed to download e-books to an e-reader...