Tuesday, October 13, 2015

All Things Must P.A.S.S.

The tutoring center is now called Peer Assisted Study Support, or PASS.

PASS is located in the space directly above the computer alcove on the second floor - the former home of the Art collection.

Current tutoring schedule:

Biology  ........................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Chemistry  ...................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Chinese  .......................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Math  ............................   Sun through Thu     6 – 9pm
Spanish  .......................   Sunday                    6 – 9pm
                                                Mon through Thu    6:30 – 8:30pm
Writer’s Studio  ..........   Mon through Thu    3 – 10pm (Still meeting in LITC 223)