Tuesday, October 13, 2015

All Things Must P.A.S.S.

The tutoring center is now called Peer Assisted Study Support, or PASS.

PASS is located in the space directly above the computer alcove on the second floor - the former home of the Art collection.

Current tutoring schedule:

Biology  ........................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Chemistry  ...................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Chinese  .......................   Mon through Thu    7 – 9pm
Math  ............................   Sun through Thu     6 – 9pm
Spanish  .......................   Sunday                    6 – 9pm
                                                Mon through Thu    6:30 – 8:30pm
Writer’s Studio  ..........   Mon through Thu    3 – 10pm (Still meeting in LITC 223)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Tutoring Begins Tonight!

From Robin Richardson, Director of Learning Support Services:

Beginning tonight, peer drop-in tutoring will be available in LITC 228 for LASP classes in math, sciences, Spanish and Chinese. No appointment is needed and services are free for all Coker students.
Occasionally changes to the schedule below occur, so keep an eye on your Coker email for announcements. And please remember to sign in when you come for tutoring—Your professors love to know how hard you’re working to do well in their classes.

Current Tutoring Schedule:
      Biology.................................... Mon through Thu      7 – 9pm
Chemistry................................ Mon through Thu     7 – 9pm
      Chinese.................................... Mon through Wed    7 – 9pm
                                                Thursday only           5:30 – 6:30pm
      Math......................................... Mon through Thu     6 – 9pm
      Spanish.................................... Mon through Thu     6 – 8pm
      Writer’s Studio...................... Mon through Thu     3 – 10pm
(Writer’s Studio is in LITC223; all other tutoring is in LITC228)

Monday, August 24, 2015

Friday, May 8, 2015

Food for Fines

It's that time of the semester!  Bring in a canned food item and get up to $2.50 per item in fines waived!  (Repair/replacement costs cannot be waived, however).

All canned items will be donated to a local charity, the Harvest Hope Food Bank.

Image courtesy of nyclovesnyc.blogspot.com

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Today in History: Rodney King Verdict

On this day in 1992, a jury in Simi Valley, CA found three of the four arresting officers innocent of use of excessive force during the arrest of Rodney King. The trial brought to close a year-long investigation of King's arrest during a traffic stop.

After the announcement of the verdict, rioting and looting broke out across Los Angeles, causing fifty-four deaths, thousands of injuries, over 7000 arrests, and close to $1 billion in property damage.

The National Guard was mobilized by then Governor Pete Wilson to quell the violence and restore order. President George H.W. Bush hinted at a federal prosecution, which would end in April 1993 with a split verdict between the four officers.

“20 Years Ago, the Rodney King Traffic Stop Changed L.A. Forever.”      
ContraCostaTimes.com. N.p., 2 Mar. 2011. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.

"King, Rodney (1965--2012)." Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, 
Viewpoints, and VoicesEds. Roger Chapman and James Ciment. London: Routledge, 
2013. Credo Reference. Web. 29 Apr 2015.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Happy Birthday, Samuel Morse!

On this day in 1791, the inventor of the telegraph and the standardized code used to transmit messages (later called Morse code) was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts. A Yale graduate, Morse was also a renown historical style and portrait painter.

The burgeoning field of electricity became a hobby, and began working on the telegraph in 1830s. The first message, sent from Baltimore to Washington, D.C. in 1844, was "What hath God wrought!"

For more information:

"Morse, Samuel Finley Breese." The Columbia Encyclopedia. New York: Columbia 

     University Press, 2015. Credo Reference. Web. 27 Apr 2015.

"Samuel F.B. Morse." Encyclopaedia Britannica. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online 

     Academic Edition. Encyclopædia Britannica Inc., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.